TUTOR Quick Start-up guide

TUTOR Quick Start-up guide


  1. You will have been sent a website address to click on something like this https://onwordshark.com/name It is a unique link for you and your students to use every time you sign in.
  2. When you click on your link it will take you to the opening screen for your account. You can use ‘Create shortcut’ – or you can bookmark the address – as this is the website address you will always use to sign in. There is help on this for you and your students at: https://wolhelp.wordshark.co.uk/portal/kb/articles/logging-in

  1. Enter your email as this is your username 
  2. Enter your temporary password (from your email) – you will be asked to reset it 


  1. You will be taken to your dashboard. From here you can browse lists and games, but first try adding a couple of users.

  1. Select Groups and Users  (top menu)
  2. Select the Manage Students tab  (not Manage Groups)
  3. Lower down on the screen, select Add New Student  then add your students


  1. From the main menu, click on Groups and Users
  2. Lower right of the screen, click on Student logins
  3. Select Individual student logins to clipboard, affirm your group, then click on the blue Ok button. (However, you could alternatively choose the 'labels' option if you wanted to print out the details.)
  4. Click on each student and then the blue Copy button:

  5. Paste the login details that you've just copied, into an email. For example:
    1. Dear Student/Parent

      Please find below your login details for 'Wordshark Online'. The QR Code can be scanned by a tablet to take you to the login page

      Other useful information:


Click on Games & Lists - to explore

  1. Here you can, as teacher, have unrestricted access to all the courses to get an overview of what is available.
  2. You can explore games from under the different tabs. The tabs headings might vary depending on the word list you are using (and when Supershark is being played).
  3. Take a look at the different courses by clicking on Change course. Each course is divided into Units and Word lists. Becoming familiar with the courses is especially helpful if you intend to set work (see next step).

The screen shot below with circles, shows Change course  (the current course is named on its left), the current Unit (far left) and current word list (on the right)

To see the content of the current list: click on the My Play Words (and again to close it). Move the phonics slider at the bottom to ON to see and hear phonic splits. Encourage your students always to use this if available before playing a list - and syllable splits when relevant.

When your students first sign on, they will automatically take the Shark Challenge (test) and be placed at a suitable place  in Supershark – the structured course with automatic progression which moves them on automatically through the units of work and selected games - at their own pace. A copy of Wordshark course is available to print out (also Alpha to Omega). 

Supershark is always available regardless of whether you set work or not.

If you want to place a student straight into Supershark and bypass the Shark challenge - go to Set Work (main menu) and select Change Level Supershark and let yourself be guided through by the assistant. For those who have already started, you can scroll down to find their current unit and move them manually to a more suitable point in the course if necessary. 

Consider adding a pretend student and signing on as them to see what they see. You can always delete i.e. 'archive' this student later if you want to.


You can set one or several lists for your students to work through – including your own lists if you have created some.

  1. Go to Set Work (main menu)
  2. Select Set New Work.
  3. Follow the guiding assistant and select the student(s), the course, the unit and the list)s) and the completion date.
  4. Instruct your students to click on Set Work (main menu)

Progress reports for Set Work are in these screens by clicking on the coloured icons. The reports include any actual errors made in spelling tests (the spelling games with Check in their title are the test games). These come up periodically for students to generate the progress reports. The only 'mode' without obligatory spelling tests is if you grant Free Play in one or more of the courses.


ACCESS TO ALPHA TO OMEGA (and other courses)

You can either set work for this and have control over your students' work – or allow a ‘dip in’ approach with FREE PLAY. To grant free play, go to Manage groups and click on the down arrow on the right to edit (as below screen shot) . Put the slider to FREE PLAY – and consider editing/limiting which courses your student can access.)


You can create lists and add your own recordings and images if you wish.

Click on Own Lists (main menu). Use the information buttons to guide you.


Click here for a suggested letter to parents informing them of their child's login to Wordshark and how they can help.


Click on the information buttons in the program to tell you more about facilities.

Click on the question mark, top right of main screens, to tell you more about facilities and give you access to videos and print outs of instructions.

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