How to create a shortcut to the login page
Scroll down if you have an iPad or Android tablet
Logging in
- You will need your unique school/tutor URL. It will look like this, including your school/tutor name near the end:
- Copy your URL
- Open your browser – Chrome is recommended for Windows. Safari is recommended for Mac
- Click into the address bar - at the very TOP of your screen (i.e. not the 'search' box). Paste the URL into it, then press enter
Ready for next time, it's best to set up a shortcut to this login page...
Creating a shortcut
- In the Wordshark log-in screen, look for ‘Create a shortcut’ (just under the sign-in box), and and click (or tap)
- You can make a shortcut to Wordshark by dragging you URL link below to your desktop - or bookmark bar 'Wordshark Online'
- Restore down (not minimise) this window so that you can get to a bit of your desktop
- Drag the link onto your desktop so that you then have your login shortcut ready for each time you log in to Wordshark
- Enter the username and passcode/password
On an iPad
- Open Safari
- You will need your unique URL (that we have sent to you or your teacher has sent you). It will look like this, and include your school/tutor name:
- Enter this into the address bar at the very TOP of your screen
- Load the program to the sign on screen
- Click or tap on the share button – looks like a page with an arrow pointing upwards
- Select the option ‘Add to home screen’
- You will be asked to confirm you wish to do this – click ‘Save’
- A Wordshark icon will be saved to the iPad’s home screen (desktop) which you can use each time you log in
- Enter your username and passcode/password
On an Android tablet
- Open Chrome
- You will need your unique URL (that we have sent to you or your teacher has sent you). It will look like this, and include your school/tutor name:
- Enter this into the address bar at the very TOP of your screen
- Load the program to the sign on screen
- Click on the three buttons to the right of the address bar
- Select the option ‘Add to home screen’
- You will be asked to confirm you wish to do this – click ‘Add’ (Before clicking add you can rename)
- A Wordshark icon will be saved to the tablet’s home screen which you can use each time you log in
- Enter your username and passcode/password
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