Supershark, the automatic progression course

Supershark, the automatic progression course

Supershark follows the 'Wordshark' course, (view pdf of content) with built-in automatic progression. Supershark takes the students through the Wordshark course, moving them on automatically through the units of work and games - at their own pace. This progression has been tested in a wide variety of schools.  Supershark is available to students at all times irrespective of any set work.

Course content

The course is divided into 44 Units  each consisting of 4 to 8 lists (average 6).  Click on the link to view a complete list of Unit titles, list titles and content in the Wordshark Course:  Wordshark/Supershark Course   (pdf format)

The games

On completion of the  Shark Challenge   students are placed at one of the Wordshark course Units to start their journey.  Students move through cycles of games, opening up any available games tabs to play the games.
The Supershark course is structured to keep students focused and as such, the games selection is built up slowly. For example, when starting a new word list - the first set of games to choose from will only be for reading and blending. The second game will often be a choice of just 1 or 2 games - ‘pattern’ and possibly ‘helicopter’  The third will bring in a much wider choice and so on.  

The games tabs include ‘Blend, Read, Segment, Spell, Patterns, Syllables, Sentences, Alphabet’ - but depending on the list and games cycle, not all will be present all the time. After every third game a reward game is offered.

Spelling test

The 6th game of the cycle is one of the 3 spelling ‘check/test’ games -
Spell check, Maze spell check, Moving spell check .  Students with 85% success or above move on to the next list but are first offered to repeat the game if they want to improve their score/time for extra points.
With a new list the games cycle starts again.

Spelling progress reports are based on the success in spelling check games.

Resetting the level in Supershark - this can be done at any time

  1. Select the 'Set Work' tab from the top menu bar
  2. Select 'Change Level - Supershark' (see image above)
  3. Select the student required by ‘ticking’ the box to the right of their name
  4. ‘Wordshark Course’ will appear on the right-hand panel; select ‘Next step’ (lower right on screen)
  5. The list of units will appear on the left hand panel – Scroll down till you see ‘CURRENT’ beside a Unit to see the present position. Click on the new required unit – later or earlier in the course
  6. This will become highlighted in grey, and the word lists in this unit are shown on the right hand side
  7. Click 'Submit' (lower right on screen)
  8. When prompted to reset the starting point, click ‘Yes’
  9. The next screen will confirm, in green 'Reset starting point for Supershark details updated successfully' . You can now choose to make changes for other students too if you like.

Early exit from a list for high achievers

Students can make an early exit and move to the next list if they choose a spelling test game in the 3rd 4th or 5th game and get 100%. These games all have the word 'check' in their name i.e. Spell check, Maze spell check, Moving spell check.

Students with poor results

Students with poor results   get lots more practice with the list – with the above games cycles repeated - but they now only ever need a minimum score of 85% spelling to move on. If this is not achieved (with a maximum of 18 games) they are automatically moved on – but an email is sent to the teacher. These students are highly likely to need teacher help and a reset of Unit to an easier one.  Conversely, those that are finding lists too easy can be reset to a later Unit (see button under ‘Set work’ in the teacher’s main menu).

Poor spelling test results alert the teacher.
At the end of each Unit there is a 20-word spelling test for the whole Unit. At the end of 3 Units there is a test of 12 words drawn from all lists to date. 

Completion of the Supershark Course

Students move to a 'Practice after Supershark'; a miscellany of moderately hard words to read and spell. 
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