Shark Challenge

Shark Challenge

What is the Shark Challenge?

'Shark Challenge' is a placement test that students take when they first sign into Wordshark, even if you've set them work. It's a single game in which pupils are asked to spell words. It normally takes just a few minutes to complete.

  1. The 'Shark Challenge' decides where each student should be placed in 'Supershark'. Supershark has built-in automatic progression and uses the 'Wordshark' course word lists. 
  2. When a student has completed the Shark Challenge, on the blue area of their dashboard, (see image below), they will see: 
    1. 'You are currently playing: Supershark',
    2. The 'UNIT'  they are inand the name of the 'WORD LIST'.
  3. Students should click on 'My Play Words' to see the list of words they are about to learn. 
  4. Scroll to further down this page for a VIDEO of the student's journey when they first sign in.
Student's dashboard after taking the Shark Challenge

More about Shark Challenge/Supershark:

  1. The Shark Challenge starts with a very short pre-test, and depending on performance the student starts at the beginning of the main test or half way through. 
  2. At any point in the main test when the words become difficult, the program flattens out in difficulty.
  3. When a total of 3 errors have been made the student is placed in Supershark (automated progression course).
  4. If the student reaches the main part of the test, but doesn’t complete it, the program will resume the test when the student next logs in.
  5. You can choose to:
    1. Bypass the Shark Challenge completely
    2. Repeat the Shark Challenge
    3. Reset the level in Supershark

Resetting the level in Supershark (automatic progression)

This can be done at any time.
1. Select the ‘Set Work’ tab from the top menu bar
2. Select ‘Change Level – Supershark'

3. Select the student required by ‘ticking’ the box to the right of their name
4. ‘Wordshark Course’ will appear on the right-hand panel; select ‘Next step’ (lower right on screen)
5. The list of units will appear on the left hand panel – Scroll down till you see ‘CURRENT’ beside a Unit to see the present position. Click on the new required unit – later or earlier in the course
6.This will become highlighted in grey, and the word lists in this unit are shown on the right hand side
7. Click 'Submit' (lower right on screen)
8. When prompted to reset the starting point, click ‘Yes’
9. The next screen will confirm, in green 'Reset starting point for Supershark details updated successfully' . You can now choose to make changes for other students too if you like.

Bypassing the Shark Challenge (placement test) 

Ideally, you should do this BEFORE the student first logs on (but you can also do this if the student/s have already started the Shark Challenge placement test but haven't completed it)

1.       Select ‘Set Work’ from the top menu bar
2.       Choose the option  Change LevelSupershark
3.       Select your student by ‘ticking’ in the box to the right of their name
       Click Next Step bottom right
       Select the Unit (any unit from 1-44) – see the Wordshark course summary for reference
       Select Submit bottom right
       When prompted, click Yes to set/reset the level in Supershark
       You will be taken back to the starting point and a green ‘successful message’ will be given.

       You can now repeat the process for another student or return to the main menu

Repeat/Set the Shark Challenge (placement test)

  1. Select the ‘Set Work’ tab from the top menu bar
  2. Choose the option ‘Repeat Shark Challenge’ (even if the student/s have never taken the test)
  3. Select the required group from the section on the left-hand side to display the student name on the right – you can select multiple groups
  4. Choose the students from the right-hand side
  5. Once at least one student has been selected a ‘Submit’ option will appear – click on ‘Submit’ to set the test
  6. When prompted click ‘Yes’
  7. You will then be taken back to the start of the ‘Repeat Shark Challenge’ but a message will now show the test has been set
  8. You can either assign the test to other students, click ‘Go Back’ (bottom left) to go back to the main ‘Set Work’ screen or choose an alternative tab from the main menu

VIDEO of the Student user's journey

FAQ: Can I view placement test progress and data?

While it is possible to see where the student has been placed, it is not possible to see the errors made in the Shark Challenge test. Click here to read more.

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