For teachers: logging in (username and password)

For teachers: logging in (username and password)

Where can I find my login details? (username and password)

If the Wordshark 'administrator’ in your school/organisation has set you up as a ‘teacher’ user then you will receive an invitation email (via Wordshark) that includes a link (your Wordshark Online unique school URL), your username (your email), and a temporary, one-tme password. When you log into Wordshark for the first time, Wordshark asks you to change your password to something more secure of your own choice. 

Problems logging in? 

  1. If you can't remember your password, log into Wordshark, enter your username (your email), and then click on ‘Forgotten your password’ to reset your password. 
  2. Note that passwords are case-sensitive.
  3. The webpage is blocked and needs ‘whitelisting’.  If you suspect that your school system may have restrictions on what can be accessed via school computers etc, contact the school ICT support to ask them to whitelist and also the help desk,
  4. If the username (your email) is not accepted, please contact: 

Accessing the program outside of school

You can log in to the program from anywhere. If you often do this from home, it's worth setting up a ‘Shortcut’ or ‘Bookmark’ on your computers/devices, so that access to Wordshark Online is quick and easily. 

When you first log in you can use the QUICK START GUIDE for Teacher users

 Click here for the QUICK START GUIDE for Teacher users' including information on:

  1. distributing login details to students
  2. student user journey info
  3. day-to-day usage
  4. if logging in as a teacher for the first time

Giving students/parents information about Wordshark

The above 'Quick Start guide for Teacher users' will go through how to add students to Wordshark and how to find their login details/the different ways to distribute them to your students/parents. 
You could also add your unique Wordshark Online URL address*, to your school website. If you would like to use the Wordshark icon/logo: Artwork: click here for the square ‘W’ icon (png), or click here for the full ‘Wordshark Online’ logo (png) Here is some example text you could add to a page on your school website:

Wordshark Online spelling games

            Your child is now able to log into Wordshark Online 24/7 to learning their spellings in the classroom and at home

            Click on this URL type the school URL here which will take you to the Wordshark Online login page.

      Note: Login details are in your child’s school planner.

      To avoid having to keep entering the URL into your address bar each time, we recommend setting up a ‘Shortcut’ or  'Bookmark’ on your computers/devices, so that you can access Wordshark Online quickly and easily each time:

The help page on Advice, encouragement and usage may also be helpful

Click here to view this.

The help page on using Wordshark Online with screenshare may also be helpful 

Click here for view this.

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