Using Wordshark Online with Zoom / Microsoft Teams
Using Zoom
1 person at a time logged into Wordshark
For the best experience only one computer/device should have the Wordshark program open at a time. This is because Wordshark and Zoom are both using/competing for the internet bandwidth which can cause issues with slow loading and freezing during periods where internet demand is high. For example, we recommend that the student accesses the program from their machine and then shares their screen with you whilst playing the Wordshark games.....If accessing from an iPad, they would choose 'share content' then 'Screen', click 'Start Broadcast' and choose 'use internet audio' in order for both parties to hear the audio. If using a Mac desktop/laptop you may need to download the internet audio extension, depending on which version of Zoom you are using. Zoom usually prompts if this is needed.
Share all windows from an application (Zoom)
As Wordshark Online opens in different Windows within the web page, for example when playing a game, these all appear as independent windows within 'Zoom'. Unless you open a new 'share screen' each time you change the window, other participants will not see the new screen/game.
To prevent the need for opening a new 'share screen' each time, you can set 'Zoom' to share all the windows automatically:
- From within the meeting room choose the settings arrow for 'Video' and choose 'Video Settings'

- From the options choose 'Share Screen'

- Set the option to share all windows for an application

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