A school account allows you, the
Administrator, to add multiple
Teachers who can then manage their own
Groups of Students. To set up a
Teacher profile You will need to have their email address to hand as the program sends their login details directly via email.
In Wordshark every Teacher needs to be assigned to a Group so start by creating the Groups you need then add Teachers and select the Group they need to be assigned to.
- Adding a new Teacher to a new Group:
- Create the new Group before adding the Teacher - choose Groups & Users / Manage Groups / Add new group. When prompted to add students, select 'Add later' as the Teacher can add their own Students at a later date.
- Choose Manage Teachers / Add new teacher - complete their information then click submit (note a Teacher can be added to more than one Group)
- Adding a new Teacher to an existing Group: move directly to step 'b' Manage Teachers tab and follow instructions from there.
If you want to share the administrator role you could use a generic e-mail if the department has one, for example sendco@, freeing up your own e-mail for use as a teacher account. This allows you to keep the two roles separate, admin for setting up/deleting users and allowing you access to all users while the teacher accounts may be limited to just the pupils a teacher/TA teaches making it more manageable for setting work and monitoring.
When you need to add Groups / Teachers & Students all in one go: from the dashboard choose the 'Groups & Users' tab at the top or the 'Manage Groups & Users' box / Manage Groups /
Bulk Upload and follow the steps indicated. Click
here for more detailed instructions and sample spreadsheet.