All the courses & word lists (Inc. course summaries & teaching notes)

All the courses & word lists (Inc. course summaries & teaching notes)

Table of courses in Wordshark

Summary PDF  
shows list titles and examples of what is in each list
Full PDF 
shows titles plus every word list
Teaching Notes
WordsharkWordshark Course SummaryWordshark Course Standard Word Lists
Alpha to OmegaAlpha to Omega Course SummaryAlpha to Omega Standard Word Lists

Everyday Vocabulary
Everyday Vocabulary Words 

High Frequency words
High frequency words (HFW)

National CurriculumNational Curriculum (Eng.) Course Summary

Secondary subject listsSecondary subject lists - summarySecondary School Subjects full course word lists

The Wordshark course starts with letter sounds and simple words and follows through systematically to long difficult words. Click the following links to view a pdf document for the Wordshark Course - including Supershark:
  1. Wordshark Course Summary (pdf) includes complete list of Unit titles, word list titles and summary content
  1. Complete list of Wordshark Course Standard Word Lists (pdf)

Teaching notes for the 'Wordshark' course (see above) 

These teaching notes are suggestions of what you might like to communicate to your students:

Nat.Curriculum 2014 England: spellings

This course follows the English Government’s spellings for KS1 and KS2. Click the following link to view a summary of this course:

'Alpha to Omega'

This course follows the progression found in the book ‘Alpha to Omega’ by Bevé Hornsby and Frula Shear. Click the following links to view a pdf document for the Alpha to Omega Course: 
  1. Alpha to Omega Course Summary (pdf) includes complete list of Unit titles, word list titles and summary content
  2. Complete list of Alpha to Omega Standard Word Lists (pdf) 

Everyday Vocabulary

Covers everyday topics that students new to English might need. It is arranged alphabetically under subject titles such as ‘clothing’, ‘food’ etc. Available games include Reading and Spelling games, Simple Sentence and Crossword games - putting the words into context:
  1. Complete list of Everyday Vocabulary words (pdf)

High Frequency Words (HFW)

Words that are needed most frequently for reading and for writing. Click below for a pdf of this course:
  1.  High frequency words (HFW) (pdf)

Secondary School Subject Lists

These lists familiarise students with basic vocabulary in different subjects needed in secondary school. Click below for a pdf of the subjects and topics covered:
  1. Secondary school subject lists (pdf)  (for summary of subjects and topics covered)
  2. Secondary School Subjects full course word lists (pdf) (for the full course word lists)

All courses included in a Wordshark subscription

Summary PDF  
shows list titles and examples of what is in each list
Full PDF 
shows titles plus every word list
Alpha to Omega
Everyday Vocabulary

High Frequency words

National Curriculum

Secondary subject lists

To find out how to create your own word lists click here

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