Rewards, including stickers for the Ocean Scene
Reward games 
A reward game is offered when the student has completed 3 learning games in Supershark, or 4 in Set Work or Free Play.
Additional reward games are offered when a 'revision' list is completed at the end of a unit in Supershark.
Spending coins in the Shark Shop! 
[points scored = coins = stickers of plants and sea creatures to go in the Ocean Scene] Here's how it works:
1) Scores
- At the end of each game a summary score is given for performance and for effort
- Spelling games get the higher scores
- Effort scores reflect completion of a game and in some instances improved performance and speed
- A lucky bonus is sometimes offered!
- Schools could also add their own reward system based on these scores
2) Points and Coins
Scores translate into points and points translate into coins.
3) Stickers for the 'Ocean Scene'
- Students can go to their own 'Ocean Scene' via 'My dashboard'.
- Then they can go to the 'Shark Shop' (via the little shop image top left in their Ocean Scene), to spend their coins.
- Based on the number of coins that the student has, the available stickers are shown in full colour (see image below).
Stickers available are highlighted, based on coins earnedProgress reports
To find out how students see their progress,
Click here
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