NB: This bar will become red if the work becomes overdue:
The green bar will move across after each completed word list. A word list is considered complete when the student has mastered 75% or more in one of the ‘spell check’ games; spell check, maze spell check, moving spell check.
As some students do not voluntarily choose to play a spell check game the program will enforce one every fifth game. If a student plays 4 non spell check games, then gets less than 75% in the spell check game they will remain on that word list until such time as the 75% is achieved in a spell check game.
The teacher can check to see:
The teacher can access this via ‘Set Work’, locating the work in question and clicking on the status/results icon:
The status colours are:
The status/results icon will give an overview for all the pupils with that set work. To see the detail of each list for each pupil choose the results icon:
This will give the information on whether they have completed a spell check game and the current highest score:
As the first list was completed with more than 75% the pupil has moved to the second list. They have not yet mastered 75% in a spell check game so are still working on the second list.
It might also be worth checking with the pupils that they are selecting their ‘My Set Work’ tab to choose the work and not the ‘Switch’ option.
The switch option will be available where ‘Free Play’ has been turned on.
This section does not move pupils on automatically and they have free access to all games and available courses. A word list will only change when the pupil; chooses to change it via the drop-down options or from ‘Change course’.
Free Play does not force a spell check game so unless a pupil actively chooses one there will be no results available for this under ‘Student Progress’ unless you use the ‘Game Play Report’: