Where can I find my students' login details?
- Sign into Wordshark Online as the Wordshark administrator/teacher account
- From the main top menu choose ‘Groups & Users’:
- From either the ‘Manage Groups’ or ‘Manage Students’ section choose the ‘Student Logins’ button:
- Choose your preferred option:
- Student Login Labels: allows you to save all details to pdf for printing out on labels or A4 paper, enabling the login details to be stuck in workbooks or home/school diaries
- Individual Student logins to clipboard: allows you to copy and paste an individual student to a word document or e-mail for sending home to parents/guardians
- Student Register Layout: provides a list of student names, groups and username and passcode
- Choose the group/s required
- Depending on your layout you can either save or print it
- For the individual student logins you will need to choose the student:
- Select 'Copy to save to the internal clipboard/memory of the machine then paste into your document/e-mail
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