Setting work using published courses

Setting work using published courses

Setting work is a simple but targeted approach to ensure students focus on your chosen word lists. You can choose from any of the published courses, or from any lists you have made yourself (or ones that other teachers in your school have shared with you). Students need to complete each list in the set work to a level of 75% As soon as each is mastered students are moved on through the lists you have set. When all are achieved the work is shown as complete.

How to set work

Step 1:  Select 'Set Work'  from your Dashboard

A wizard will take you through a sequence: first select a group, then students, and click on Next Step.  Within a group you can select all - or just individual students.

Step 2:  Choose the Course containing the lists that you want e.g. National Curriculum

Alternatively, you can set your own lists or those shared with you by other teachers. Here as an example, the course Alpha to Omega has been chosen:

Step 3:   Select either a whole unit or individual word lists.  Example screens...

Step 4:   Check this summary of the work you have chosen – or use the ' Change'   hyperlinks to edit your selection.

Step 5:    Set a time limit, name the work, and submit.

Below is the same example as above but now showing 1 out of 2 students having completed the work – ‘1 Done’. Clicking on this link will tell you which student(s) have done the work.

When the students sign in

When students log in each time they should click on My Set Work (top menu). You will need to point this out to your students (young children especially) so they understand where the 'My Set Work' tab is:

After each game they should click on the ‘play next’ button followed by the green ‘start’ or ‘play’ button. Encourage them to use a variety of games. In order to complete each list in their set work and to be allowed to move on, Wordshark needs them to play one of the 3 spell check (test) games  (under the  spell  tab)  - 75% accuracy is needed. If a pupil does not happen to choose to play any of these spell check games then eventually they are only offered the 3 spell check games .

If they are confident spellers they can choose to go straight to trying a spell check game - any spelling game with the word  check  in its name.

Below shows the ' start'  button on the set work part of the screen:

You can also show them how to check their progress by looking at the progress bar:

You can tell them that when their work is complete it will show up as a row of green stars:

To review student progress in Set Work – click on Set Work, and select the relevant title. Click on Status and then on the Results icon.

Removing/editing set work

If you want to remove or edit set work, these icons allow you to do this.

NB: Deleting/editing set work will remove the student records for this work. You can save/print the records first using the instructions mentioned above.

Read more on deleting set work here.

Viewing progress reports for Set Work:

For instructions on how to access progress reports for Set Work click   here


Students report work is not saving or the list is not moving on:

Students will only move to the next list once they have mastered 75% in one of the spell check games. Please  click here for more information.

Can the Administrator edit or delete another Teacher's Set Work?

Only the teacher that creates the set work can see /edit or delete it. It is possible for the administrator to see/edit/delete a teacher's set work by taking temporary access of the teacher's account. 
Why are only 3 games offered in Set Work sometimes?
Click here to read about why and when this happens.

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