The own word list section when tailored for individual pupils can be very useful. It allows you to add in images that the pupil/s themselves may find meaningful in order to remember/visualise a word. Likewise, if you create the word list with the pupil they can record the words in their own voice.
You can create several word lists of your own then add them together to create a course. This allows you to:
- Collate lists for the same rules/topics together
- Set more than one list in a piece of set work
VIDEO: Creating own lists
Written instructions on creating lists
Step 1. From the main menu select Own Lists
Step 2. Select the tab My Word Lists
Step 3. From below that, select Create New Word List
Step 4. Name your list carefully so that it will be easily recognised, with a suitable title or date – particularly if you are likely to share it or if you will regularly be creating many lists.
The list name is the only field you are obliged to fill in, but ‘Subject title’ may be of use – especially if you want to share your list with other teachers. Leave the Standard box ticked for now.

Definition allows you to add a second recording for each word - giving a definition or quiz clue or a translation.

Step 5. The next screen has
two panels – the left one for creating the list and the right one for editing
individual words and adding their recordings and images. In the left-hand
panel, click to add a word, type it, then press ENTER. Do this for each
word (a maximum of 10 words)
To alter the order of words use the up and down
To add a new word – if there is no
blank row – click on the +
If you pause after typing each word before
entering, it will show any wrong spelling – e.g. gow
Step 6. To edit a word – highlight it on the left and then use the panel on the right. Remember to save.
Adding and editing recordings
A green microphone icon beside the word means a recording exists, red means not.
A green duck picture icon beside the word means an image exists, red means not.
You have 3 choices:
- Accept the
default recording if one exists (you can listen to it by selecting the green mic or the green triangle
play button in the right hand panel).
- Select another if available from the dropdown
menu on the right and save.
- Record your own and save.
To make your own recording
• Use the right-hand panel
• Press the red button 
• Say the
word immediately
• Press the grey square to finish 
• Press the green triangle to listen to it 
• If you do
not like the recording, do it again – at any time.
• Don’t
forget to save it. 
Adding images
You have 3 choices.
Accept the default image if one exists.
Word List Editor Select another if available from the dropdown
menu on the right and save.
3. Browse for your own and save.
- The maximum is 2732 pixels width and is 2048 pixels height.
- Remember to save!
Save List- The i button beside Save List tells you about the
status of your list.
- You need four or more words in your list and a minimum of
four of them need recordings – otherwise the list will be saved as a DRAFT.
- If there are not enough pictures, the list can be played but
picture games will be excluded (a popup will warn you).
- You can return to your list to add to or edit it later if you need to.
- Once you have a viable list you can set it for work, share it with other teachers, add it to a course.
Viable ListTo assign your own list as 'Set Work'
Once you have created the word list as the administrator/teacher you will need to set this as set work for the student.
- Select the ‘Set Work’ tab from the main menu
- Choose the first option ‘Set Work’
- Choose the Group then the student/s
- Select ‘Next Step’
- Change the course option from ‘Publisher’ to ‘My Lists’

- The lists will appear. Any courses will display with pages next to them – in this case clicking on them will then open up the lists within them
- Choose the list/s required then click ‘Next Step’
- You will see a summary of the work set
- Select the date you want the work to be completed by then click ‘Submit’
- Name the set work then choose ‘Save’

To assign an own list to a student the ‘active status’ needs to be ready and not in draft. Ready is indicated by a GREEN circle and a draft list will be shown as RED.
A list will be ‘draft’ if:
- There are not enough recordings in the list – a minimum of 4. Only the words with sounds will be playable. For a ‘definition list’, this will need both a sound and definition recording.
- You did not choose ‘Save List’ but chose ‘Go back’
If a word list is showing as ‘draft’ because you chose ‘go back’ you can use the ‘edit’ option to go back in and choose ‘save list’.
Edit, share, clone, or delete
- Return to the Own Lists screen and click on the arrow
beside the list and under More where you have icons to share, clone,
edit or delete your list.
Edit, Share, Clone, DeleteTo create a course and add your list
- Select your list and the drop-down menu Choose Action.
- You will need to create a course then add your list - or add
it to an existing course.
- If you want to add it to more than one course you will need
to clone the list - one for each course - using the downward arrow under More.
Archive ListsGames available with your own word lists:
Own word lists receive the reading, spelling and dictionary games.
If you choose to edit the splits in your own word lists this will also give the pupils the syllable games. (See attachment below for instructions)
How students access their 'Set Work'
The pupil will access the set work from either their dashboard or via the 'My Set Work' tab on the main menu bar.
The list is considered complete once the pupil has reached 75% in a spelling check game; Spell Check, Maze Spell Check or Moving Spell Check. Sometimes pupils do not like to willingly choose a spell check so the program will automatically only present these three games after a pupil has played four non spell check games in a row.
Once the pupil clicks play and completes the first game the progress bar will turn green and the ‘start’ button changes to ‘Play’, If there is only one word list the progress bar will not change until the list is completed and the progress bar will turn to green. Where there are several lists the green progress bar will move along as the pupil completes each list, for example for if there is a piece of set work with three lists the bar will show two thirds completed when the pupil has passed two of the three lists.