How to View Courses & Word lists 'onscreen'
Viewing other courses & word lists
As a teacher you have access to all the courses and lists - these are listed below, or for more information: Courses and Lists
Note:students have access only to
(the 'Wordshark' course in automated progression mode) if
Free Play mode
(FP) is switched to OFF.
If you would like to view all the word lists available before setting work for your students, select Games and Lists from
My Dashboard
. You can also see them summarised below:
The below example shows that you are in the Everyday Vocabulary course:
You can change the course:
This brings you to a screen with the Published Courses on the left to choose from. In this example, the Wordshark course has been chosen. You can scroll down the Units of work on the right, and select one - note there could be a delay in this being populated if the internet connection is slow.
In this case, Unit 5 has been chosen, and the list 'sh':
Click on
Select List
and say
You can change the Unit if you want by using the down arrow - and the individual list within that Unit (right of the screen). Then click on the yellow roller blind to see the list:
Clicking on each word will allow you to hear it spoken - and see a picture if available:
Clicking on
More words
will refresh the list (optional):
you can see the phonemes indicated - and listen to the word broken into phonemes:
Selecting VOWELS will highlight vowels in blue:
IN ORDER will present the words in the order they are listed (useful for certain lists).
SPLIT WORDS will show syllable splits if they are available – used in syllable games:
You need to click here to close the ‘roller blind’ ready to play the games:
The games are arranged under different tabs:
VIDEO: Word lists & courses - teachers
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