Removing (archiving) students
Remove (archive) students
- Sign in as an administrator or teacher
- Select 'Groups & Users'
- Select 'Manage Students'
- Select one student at a time. Note: it doesn't matter if the student is in more than one group, but let other teachers know if they share this student.
- Open up the arrow on the right to edit:
6. Click on the bin:
7. Click 'OK':
Checking the total number of students registered
The program Administrator can view the total number of students registered from their Dashboard and click on 'View All' for a list of all their names.
Note the 'View All' list includes only active users not those archived.
To 'unarchive' a student
- Go Groups & Users\Archived Students
- Select the student
- Click on the Undo arrow on the right:
To archive students in bulk
The Wordshark administrator can archive multiple students at a time using the 'Bulk move/transfer' option in their 'Manage Groups' section, see '
Archiving Students in Bulk'

Note: Student records/data will be automatically (and permanently) deleted after 12 months in archive
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